DBSA Chapters/Support Groups

Please note: DBSA chapters are volunteer-run and many of the numbers listed are personal phone numbers. Due to this, please be considerate of the time of day you are calling. Also, please remember these are not crisis lines. If you are in need of emergency assistance, please call 911 or 800/273-TALK. When contacting chapters via email, please put 'DBSA' in the subject line.


DBSA Dallas
Contact 1: DBSA Dallas Answering Service
Phone: (817) 654-7100
Contact 2: Carol King
Additional Phone: (972) 709-5464
Email: info@dbsadallas.org
Website: http://www.dbsadallas.org

San Antonio
DBSA San Antonio
Contact 1: Kathy Franklin
Phone: (210) 945-0689
Contact 2: Stephen
Additional Phone: (210) 557-0005
Email: mvksf@sbcglobal.net
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DBSA-San-Antonio/240407642672576

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